CS61BL – Data Structures and Programming Methodology

"One of the best programming skills you can have is knowing when to walk away for awhile." - Oscar Godson There were many times throughout this course where I did walk away, and it is...

Week 8: A complete guide into spending your Summer at UC Berkeley

Pre-Trip Course Selection: HASS ECON 1 001 - Introduction to Economics (click here) ECON N110 - Game Theory in Social Sciences Highly recommended. The course is really interesting and relevant with many relatable concepts on decision making in the real...

Some San Fran Shenanigans

Hello there Thankfully the courses I’m taking are suuuper different from SUTD classes (had enough of that in terms 1-3 THX)! On Friday last week my class headed out to San Francisco for a walking...

Food in America

It’s kinda scary how 3 weeks just passed like that. But I’m writing down the things we’ve done and it’s pretty impressive: (In roughly chronological order) - Found my second home at Berkeley Ironworks (it’s a climbing gym hehehe) -...

Getting use to life here

Hello! It is the start of week 2 of being here. I think a lot of us have started getting use to the life here, like not jet lagging anymore, and like knowing the general...

61BL in Berkeley

Computer Science in Berkeley As one of the most popular courses in U.C. Berkeley. Many of us taking this stressful course. This course mainly focuses on data structure and algorithm on the data structure. The...

Weekend 2: Mount Diablo, SF Premier Outlet, and the Golden Gate Bridge

Fast forward to the second weekend! (We’ll talk about our courses another time… if ever haha) We (read: Tian Lerk) had planned in advance, done lots of reading up on insurance and liabilities and...

Twin peaks in San Francisco

Twin peaks are the second highest point and best vista point for San Francisco. They are located at the centre of the city and famous for its panoramic view of San Francisco. The temperature...

Berkeley’s International House: Making Global Connections

  One of the housing options that many from SUTD choose to take is the International House (or I-House) - an eight story building that caters specifically to international students. As part of the international...

Happenings at Berkeley!

It has been my lifelong dream to visit the US after seeing countless shows on TV about the food and places in the states, it really got me excited when I found out I...