Hello China!!

They seem to really enjoy noodles, especially beef noodles (牛肉面). I still can’t get used to it, but they are good nevertheless! hahaha There is a place right beside the hostel that comes bustling to life at night we call the 后街 (hou4jie1) and they sell loads of food and bubble tea!! My personal favourite bubble tea shop of the lot has got to be 一点点 (yi4dian3dian3) but the queue is really so intense that it puts off drinking it hahaha. Its good in a way I guess! Less unhealthy eating hehe

canal near school

The canals are all beautifully decorated here in Hangzhou, unlike those back in Singapore. It blends in well with the surroundings and gives an air of fresh nature!! Something to take note in urban planning! Taking the element of water in the canals and creating a mini river sort of thing to beautify the environment instead of having it look man-made and out of place.


We visited the library in school, and I was amazed by how big it is! The outside looks modern but the inside still feels quite old school. The books were mainly in mandarin, I don’t know why I expected otherwise…. and so we left without borrowing anything.


The climbers found a climbing gym that is quite affordable near our school! It’s within 30mins cycling distance and the entry rate is really reasonable. Had alot of fun here!!


绿茶,新白鹿,外婆家 (lv4cha2, xin1bai2lu4, wai4po2jia1): these 3 are definitely in my holy grail of go-to-restaurants. The food is so satisfying PLUS its cheaaaaaap!!!!!!!! Meals here are usually less than 10SGD per pax and the interiors of these restaurants are also so atas looking I don’t even understand how they can charge us so cheaply. But then again, I’m not complaining!!! hahahah

peak at 太子湾公园

As part of my theme’s bonding, we went to 太子湾 (tai4zi2wan1) near 西湖(xi1hu2). The climb up one of the mini hills there was worth it when we saw the view!

tea museum

On the first weekend, we split into different groups for the Buddy Day. Our buddy was from tea science, and brought us to the tea museum! There we tasted many types of teas that she had roasted herself and also the famous 龙井茶 (long2jing3cha2) of Hangzhou!

Buddy Day ended in the early evening, so we took a stroll at the lake and watched the sun set. We initially wanted to visit the 雷峰塔 (lei2feng1ta3), but it was too crowded :(

And so, the second week begins!!

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