Hi there, I am Keith, This week would mark the first week of lessons at ZJU. Starting lessons in ZJU was an exciting experience as it would be the first time i would be having lessons overseas. Definitely excited to see how other countries conduct their lessons.

Welcome Address

On Monday we had a sharing session where various groups presented on the experiences they had the previous week. Pictures of food and exotic locations were presented which made us all the more excited to travel around Hangzhou and China. I couldn’t wait to explore them all.

Exploring The Food

Of course which trip of china would be complete without food? The 外卖,order in, culture is so strong here that most foods only require 0.8 SGD to be sent to your location. Definitely something that everyone in Singapore would be envious of. There is also lots of food. Like Hotpot ,Arabian Food, street food and Chinese food to name a few. With all the various varieties and bubble teas to drink, we worry for our waistlines as we continue our journey in China.

Having Our First Lesson

Our First Lesson was a lesson on Origami Robots and we folded various origami shapes and tried to animate them. This was an interesting experience as we tried to figure out for the movement would be like and as we were only equiped with servos, we had to think of how to convert the rotary motion of a servo into the types of motion that we wanted. Furthermore it was a servo with limit gears so the motion of the servos were highly restricted. More than a few workarounds were definitely needed to achieve the motions that we wanted.

Working on DIP

In addition to our lessons, Our theme had to join members of ZJU for a DIP project, which is highly similar to Design back in SUTD. So bring out the Rpis and arduinos as i helped a group prototype a conference pin. The first order of business was to add a led synchronizing music component, which after various attempts at vpning and asking friends to screenshot websites, i finally finished it. Part 1 of my project is done. Now to move on with the week ahead!

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