Dear Diary, we put our tourist mugs on today, and steeped ourselves into a nice strong brew of Indonesian culture.

After a quick brainstorming session on biomimicry designs, we shuttled off to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (“Mini Indonesia Park”) which offers a microcosm of the various tribes and traditions across the entire archipelago.

We kicked off the afternoon with a hearty lunch at a traditional Indonesian cafe, before renting tandem bikes ($3.50/hour) which enables one to breeze through the park (and experience first-hand the beauty of Indonesian traffic) with your good friends.

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Besides the distinctive and enthralling architecture, the park also has many adrenaline-pumping attractions such as laser tag, which Team SUTD unfortunately lost to a pair of Jakarta kids.

Many found the bronze mural showcasing the key moments of Indonesia’s history very impactful, especially the “Soempah Pemoeda” (Youth Pledge) of 1928 — a declaration made on 28 October 1928 by young Indonesian nationalists in the Second Youth Congress, which proclaimed three ideals; one motherland, one nation and one language.

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Before today’s visit, many perceived modern Indonesia’s unified culture and language as an unwavering given, but the visit to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah was truly an eye-opener and especially very relevant to our own context back in Singapore. It accentuates the difficulty and constant effort needed to maintaining pluralism; and the fruits of this tedious labour when done unerringly 🙂


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