211018 – 271018

On Sunday, Ting Yu, Jonathan and I travelled up north to Sha Tin for some cycling fun in the sun 🚴‍♂️☀️

It was a glorious day for cycling. We were blessed with very good weather as it was sunny with a fair bit of cloud cover, and the temperature was quite cooling (relatively). Plus not nearly as humid as Singapore, which made cycling there far more enjoyable. But it was still super sunny at first, which made it quite hot and sweaty. We went there and started cycling in the early afternoon, around 2pm, in order to be able to cycle a significant distance and get back before it got dark.

We actually did not plan the cycle route beforehand and largely just winged it, only knowing that there were bicycle rental shops at Sha Tin and a popular cycling route from there. In the end, we just followed the crowd and road signs/information boards, and ended up cycling a whopping 40km in total!

The route we cycled (more or less) to and fro

Tons of gorgeous views along the way as we cycled along the costal line. I felt really happy/ecstatic inside while cycling, just to be able to enjoy the good weather, exercise and take in all the beautiful views. Very blessed.

Ok photo spam time.

Walk – Cycle – Drive ; LTA shaking rn
Look like SG hor

Definitely one of the highlights of my exchange so far. Glad I got to cycle some long distance out here.


Rest of the week was pretty low key. Went out a couple of times, did some clothes shopping. It’s mid-terms szn so I haven’t been up to much outside of the weekends.

Also here’s a video of my simulation program that we did in class this week that I thought looked cool:

Signing out. Peace. Guru.


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