After the challenge announcement yesterday, it is finally time to start working.  Its brain storming day! At the end of the day we were expected to present our ideas to the professors and mentors to ensure that we were on track and to receive any feedback to improve the design of the robot.

After looking at the mission, we decided that we had to build two robots. One to collect the “pills”  which we call the collector, the other the climb the “shelf” to knock the “pills” off which we call the climber.

During the discussion i learnt that being in a team with people of different nationalities who speak different tongues, communication is a problem. My team consists of people from Thailand, Japan as well as China where English is not their first language. Well drawn drawings proved to be very useful to help us get our ideas across. There are times where it was difficult to draw, we made paper prototypes to better visualize and illustrate our ideas, knowing how to use CAD software like Solidworks was also useful easily illustrate our ideas in 3D.

A combination of different visual communication methods allowed us to come up with our final design, or is it? We all know that in design, nothing is ever final until it is built. Stay tuned to find out!

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