Day 7 of IDC Robocon. Today we took a break from our usual routine of working on the robot and had a tour of the iconic locations in Hangzhou. Our first stop was 西湖, where we took a ferry and enjoyed the scenic view of the landscape around us

Subsequently, we proceeded to have lunch at one of the most famous restaurants in Hangzhou (楼外楼). The food did not disappoint and we were treated to another delicious meal. Here’s a photo of some of the food that was served. Apologies that the photos do not show much food (The food was devoured rather rapidly).

We then proceeded to 宋城, which resembled a theme park. There, we watched a performance of the history of Hangzhou and enjoyed the replicas of the Song Dynasty Architecture. Here are some photos of the place and the show.

End of Day 7 and it’s back to the workshop to finish up our robots.

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After studying for a term at SUTD, I have seen a few student-led projects that have opened my eyes to the countless applications of technology. These include unique drone designs and autonomous robots among many innovative technologies. In the future, I aim to pursue the Robotics track under EPD. I am grateful for having the opportunity to attend the IDC Robocon, a platform that brings together students who are passionate about robotics. This event will definitely be a unique experience that has many learning opportunities.


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