In case anyone who actually follow my blog post, this is really the last one. Continuing from my previous post about tips in China, this blog will be about Alipay app:

  1. Add your friends as Alipay friends for easy transfer of money. You can transfer directly without the need to scan QR code.
  2. Top up your student meal card using Alipay app. The transaction is quite fast (almost immediately or 3mins).
  3. You can track your monthly expenses by looking through the transaction (if everything is paid through Alipay). They even show you a breakdown of your monthly expenses through a pie chart, splitting into various categories such as food, travel etc.
  4. The membership points can be used to trade for useful passes/ membership like hello bike 30 days pass and eleme pass.
  5. I have never tried before but under campus life section, you can get student exclusive discounts.
  6. Collect red packets (also student exclusive) daily without having the need to find the usual red packet QR code. It can be used in stores.

That’s all from me for ALP!

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