Visiting the Golden Gate Bridge

We began the week with the 4th of July public holiday. There was no classes so we went on a trip to San Francisco visiting prominent spots culminating in watching the fireworks in the bay area.

Guys picture
View from the bridge itself
Fireworks viewing area

Fireworks were pretty meh, there wasn’t any grand finale and there was no singing of national anthem. The cloudy fog definitely made the firework experience worse.

A common thing among Stanford IHP students(not just SUTD ppl) is that we would try out the rock climbing/bouldering wall as it was FREE!!!! It is a fun social activity that also comprises of exercise. Even though almost everyone has not climbed before and were not skilled initially, people still gave it a go. It has become one of the most frequented spots for recreation in Stanford IHP.

eg. Climbing wall

By now most of us have settled into the place and it feels like a normal school week again with classes + homework assignments(machine learning ppl are suffering).


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