HAPPY CHILDREN’S DAY!!!!  Never too old to celebrate this joyous occasion hehe.

Life in China has been not too bad so far. First couple of weeks it was freeeezing but now it’s turning hot and humid, just like Singapore. Not exactly looking forward to the many many rainy days ahead either, 梅雨天 they call it. But fret not, because I have taobao-ed water repellent spray to protect my shoes! Which I have yet to validate its credibility. I guess only time will tell.

Just behind school, there’s a street known to us as 后街 (literally translated to “back street“). To the local students here, it is called 堕落街 (first two words loosely translated as becoming depraved). Whatever its name is, all you/I need to know is that they have amaaaazzzinggg food there, at super super affordable prices. I mean, .

Half a duck just for SGD$3!!!! Be sure to catch this guy though, he’s ninja at random timings.
Sweet potatoes baked in that big tub. They are super soft and mushy like baby food!
Interesting way of selling durian here. How is that going to be satisfactory?? And it’s really expensive too. Quality unknown.

Many many bubble tea shops lined up, among which 黑泷堂 and 一点点 stood out more than the rest. With it being so accessible it’s hard to resist the temptation of getting a cup after dinner. Almost a month into the trip and you can see everyone’s faces getting rounder. Having been there so often, we realised they repeat the same playlist over and over again every day.

There are also the more well known restaurants, recommended by seniors and the wonderful app known as 大众点评/Dianping. 外婆家,新白鹿 etcetc.

At a shop called 芦茨人家 (lu2 ci2 ren3 jia1)
At a random shop behind houjie, I guess it’s called hou houjie. As you can see, ain’t nobody got time to wait for a photo taking before digging in. Multi tasking is the way to go!
过桥米线(guo4 qiao2 mi3 xian4). Where you have to add all the ingredients served in small plates into your soup bowl by yourself. No service charge!
HK egglet + ice cream = yum in tum
Had those dishes at 弄堂里 (nong4 tang3 li3), actually I already took a few bites off every dish before remembering to snap a shot. Skills lie in concealing.
At the dumpling shop behind the hospital opposite hostel
Favourite yoghurt to digest all the food!

Luckily, we found a touch rugby team here in ZJU! The team here has been joining them for training in school. Gotta werk those gains.

Supper with the ZJU team after night training!

They have very kindly invited us to join them for an upcoming tournament in Beijing in a couple of weeks’ time, really excited!

Of course, what would this trip be without going out for a walk? As part of the cultural immersion programme, I went to the tea museum and 龙井村. How can you leave this place without drinking some Dragon Well tea right?

Got to enjoy some free tea at the museum yummm.
You can’t see in the picture but actually there’s a lot of mosquitoes in here. But peace is from within ummmmm.
Is it China version of DOTS???
Just the start of the climb
Furry furry it looks like something else hehehe.
How I wish I could be tall like you.
Finally at the top!!
Too bad the tea leaves are more or less all harvested… Else I would have made myself a tea packet 😉



Spontaneous adventures are always the best!

Saw this super cute guide dog on the metro. Look at that elegant cross.
Went on this train that brought us right to the doorstep of several different theme parks.
And then this huge bus (FOC!!!) to 西湖片区, which we thought it was West Lake but still a distance away. More like 被西湖骗去.
Thank goodness we still managed to go West Lake at the end of the day.
Very interesting foot massage.

The only reason we found a shop for foot massage was because the hotel receptionist thought we were staying in the hotel and brought us there. What can I say? People here are really nice!

Other than eating and exploring, we started off our volunteering with 湖墅学校 with an event over two days.

Hard at work tying balloons to decorate the stage
Kungfu performance by the students huuuhaaaa
Check out that ending pose
Competition among students to see who can slice potatoes the fastest. Look how even his potato slices are!
Dumpling wrapping competition for the older students.

That’s the end of my lengthy post for the week, 88!

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