Week 14 ( 26- 30 August)

This week marks the end of ITP. We presented our final idea to both the professors as well as to our client. For myself, my group has to present to 26 working class people, each holding varying job positions. We were both excited and scared at the same time. This is my first time presenting to such a crowd, but thankfully, the presentation went pretty well. Both groups of people liked our presentation, and some offer great tips and advice on what should our next step be.

After everything, I felt happy that it finally ended. It wasn’t a bad experience; I was feeling a little homesick. Despite not being able to clear credits with this course, I am still glad that I came all the way here for I’ve gained knowledge and skills that I probably will not have thought of attaining had I remained in Singapore.

On Friday, we had a celebration in one of the rooftop clubs in central Helsinki. There were free champagne, and some were having their own karaoke session. It was a beautiful mess. Chatters here and there, laughter everywhere. I sipped on my 4th glass of champagne and looked into the dark sky. I wonder, what’s next?

it has been a journey for the both of us. We were taught on things that SUTD will not teach, spent much more time all by ourselves, getting to know ourselves better. It has been a great experience, and I guess it will also be the last oversea exchange I will ever go in my university life.

As we parted ways with our course mates, we began to be excited by the oversea trips that we have planned for ourselves before school starts. It is funny, how this course have also made me travel to places I never would have thought of travelling to, and for that, I am grateful.

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