ZJU Skies after project (No photoshop, legit)

And that’s a wrap! Three weeks of blood, sweat and tears and nights together with my theme has just ended, for better or for the worse. On one hand, all of us are ecstatic of the product we’ve created, not to mention all the deliverables we had to make, including:

  1. Personal Reflection report
  2. Video
  3. Poster
  4. Prototype
  5. And a group thesis on the product as well as research and backing that led to the product

On the other hand, it was just sad that the days of Waimai, chitchat, music making at night are over ☹. Special shoutout to James ma guitar man, Jordan the cameraman and Jun Hao the tree in the background and would definitely miss the nights in the room 😊.

Back to the product lunch itself, it was quite an amazing experience because I had to multi-task several roles, event planner, emcee and presenter. Leading up to the event, there were several things to take care of, including the event flow, the individual presentations and elements throughout the presentation to keep it interesting. And because I oversaw my own theme presentation and video, it became a hectic roller coaster ride from the get-go, even during the week before the presentation started.

It was also a different emceeing experience because I was doing so to a familiar crowd – the people I’ve spent my time with for the past 3 months. On stage facing them, I originally had a bit of a stage fright, because I was afraid that I was not good enough, that I was not interesting enough, that people may judge or ridicule me. Then I remembered something I’ve learnt from stage performances in SUTD; if I wasn’t confident to put out a good show, who was going to be confident of me? And in the worst case, there’s at least going to be one person confident of what I can dish out on stage XD.

And it turned out fine I would say, with the few puns I had to dish out on the spot (Hopefully you guys appreciate and get it :’)) But more than that, I had a whole new experience on stage. When I looked at the audience, I saw a mix of different reactions – excitement, boredom, sleepiness and more. But I realised that I was in control of the stage and that I did not mind the audience reaction as much as I thought I would. I ended up enjoying the stage and savouring all the highs and lows created during that period.

And that’s all in a short post for the week 🙂

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