This week we had the chance to go on several visits to look at cool projects and technologies.

The first was to the China Academy of Art where they were holding a school-wide exhibition of the students’ graduation projects. There were quite a myriad of departments and as such, the projects on exhibition were very interesting and spectacular. For example, at the Industrial Design exhibition, there were cutlery designed for patients with Alzheimer’s and re-imagined wheelchair designs. At the Fashion & Textile exhibition, the designs incorporated different elements and materials to produce different visual intake at different angles. While some were hard to comprehend, others had a simple and clear-cut motive behind their inventions.

Later this week, we went FLEXing in town, that is, to visit the Future Life Expo. It was a congregation of innovation by a plethora of companies at the forefront of the technological push, where they exhibited their technical prowess in shaping and redefining the future for all of us. It was a really eye-opening visit as there were bold ideas that could bring about inconceivable convenience, but there were also ideas that made me question how secure will they be against the ill-intentioned. Nevertheless, they were all great to try and understand, and to know that their possibilities were endless.


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