Week 5: CIP at 湖墅学校 and visit to Yamaha factory!

This week has been pretty eventful - we visited 湖墅学校 twice, and I also got the opportunity to visit the Yamaha manufacturing factory for pianos and guitars! We visited 湖墅学校 on Monday and Friday. On...

Week 1-你好!- My exemplary growth in Mandarin.

Welcome to my Week 1 of Taobao ALP adventures! In case you haven't seen my Week 0 post(seriously, do my adventures sound THAT interesting?), click dis. Week 1 was actually orientation week. So that means that I'm...

[WEEK 00] 01 | HELLO HANGZHOU 你好杭州

20170506 Saturday, 6 May 2017 01 | HELLO HANGZHOU 你好杭州 We were told to report at 0620 at T1 but I only managed to finish packing at around 0320 which meant that I had less than...

Week 2: 票上西方?

Hi, I'm Dan , Kenneth threw this job to me :(. I'm not good at editing video clips together so instead, I'll just bore you with words!   We were passed our first assignment at the...

WEEK 6 – 大明山 And Music Lessons In Hushu

Unable to shake off the travelling  bug, 大明山 was next~! The motel we booked was right beside a stream, so naturally after spending the afternoon crammed up in the bus on the way here, we gladly took...

[WEEK 13] 90 | Mount Hua 华山派

WEEK 13] 20170730 – 20170805 Thursday, 3 August 2017 90 | Mount Hua 华山派 I guess this is the most adventurous thing that I did this entire ALP. Even though we didn’t get to the Plank Walk...

Week 8 梅雨季的杨霉

It’s summer! But also the rainy season… As our clothes were taking days to dry and our shoes perpetually staying wet, our theme mentors surprised us by bringing us on an outing: berry picking!...

WEEK 10 – Huangshan Travels aka 黄山旅游

I have never been a nature lover. Partially because I have not been to places with an awesome scenery that I found it worth spending an enormous amount of time and effort to say...

China Week 6: The Origins of 六

Being in a new country and environment for more than a month, one can slowly start to immerse themselves in the various cultures of that new environment, and learn more about themselves through the...

ALP Week 12 – 黄山

Another adventure towards the sky. Though torturous, I dare say it was pretty worth it. Here are my poor companions. This is the entrance where we faked that we are ZJU Students so we could...