2 day trip at Ito City!

楽しかったね! Over the last weekend, our lab went on a two day training camp/trip to Ito City. It is about a 2 hours car ride south from Ookayama station so it's pretty far out from...

Busy week

こんにちは皆さん! It's Wednesday now and it's turning into a very busy week ahead. This weekend, the lab is going out for a trip where we will spend one day presenting about the Industry Analysis Project...

[CBEC 2018] Part 5 – 京都は東京でじゃない?!

This week, our Prof. had to make a trip out to Yokohama so we had 3 days of free time. With a quick day of planning, we decided to head to Kyoto for the duration...

Second Week in Tokyo!

Hello everyone! I'm back with an update of the second week in tokyo. So what have I been doing so far? Well, school has started officially and I have moved into the international student dorm....