It is not a secret that NTU is MUCH larger than SUTD, boasting a 490 acres campus, getting around NTU is no simple feat. Fret not, here are some tips and tricks for those who are heading to future students heading to NTU for SUSEP!

1. Download NTU Omnibus APP

    1. This app helps you track the all the buses that come in and out of NTU.
    2. There are 3 Campus buses provided by NTU
      1. The Red and Blue are campus buses circle NTU while the Green campus bus brings student to and fro NTU and pioneer MRT
    3. There are 2 SBS buses that goes around NTU, they are 179 and 199
      1. 179 stops at both Boon Lay MRT and Pioneer MRT
      2. 199 stops at only Boon Lay MRT
    4. More information on the buses and application can be found here at

NTU Omnibus App

2. Use the NTU map

    1. NTU provides a map which can be found online @
    2. After receiving your timetable with the allocated classrooms/labs, you can search at the link e.g LT19,TR+7
    3. This will give you a more detailed look where to find your classroom/lab as compared to google maps.


Based on my limited experience, most of mine classes were either held near the North Spine or South Spine(for HASS modules), so these are the more prominent places that you should be aware about! All the best!

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