Day 9 – Laser Cutting and Orbit Robot

In the morning, I did laser cutting for my group for almost an hour. I feel bad for letting other users to wait for their turn to use the laser cutter, but I am...

来到杭州 的一个月后

It’s been almost a month since we came to Hangzhou. After getting more used to the culture here, many of us have started to extend our explorations beyond Hangzhou, visiting nearby provinces such as...

Being Abroad, Experiencing Shenzhen, Doing it All@SUTD (Virtual FACT 2021 – DESxSZTU)

Virtual FACT programme for ‘Designing Energy Systems @ Shenzhen Technology University (DESxSZTU)’, 23 – 26 Aug 2021 Before the Virtual FACT, I had few expectations. The Covid-19 pandemic had dampened the mood. My desire for...

DTI X SZTU Virtual FACT Programme – A Freshly Squeezed Experience

Countless activities were disrupted during the summer break of 2021, and the FACT (Freshmore Asian Cross-Curricular Trips) programme was no exception. Many Freshmores (including myself) had doubts, would a 'virtual' programme still be a...


Hi there! Add here - the guy who floods his posts with photos. This week’s post would be all about ancient water towns – a key highlight of the Jiangnan region. I visited 3...

Flying the Singapore flag high in beach volleyball

Meet Kingsley Tay, national beach volleyball player, SUTD’s pride in the World University Championship, President of SUTD volleyball club and sophomore from the Engineering Systems and Design (ESD) pillar.

[WEEK 10] 71 | Shaoxing 绍兴

20170709-20170715 Saturday, 15 July 2017 71 | Shaoxing 绍兴 Since we went to West Lake 西湖 in Hangzhou so many times, we decided to visit Shaoxing for their East Lake 东湖. We also visited the Ying...

Week 2: Hello MIT

The bus cruised through the streets of Boston as we whipped out out cameras and snapped photos of everything that could possibly be photographed. As the bus pulled onto the kerb in front of...

Entrepreneurship the Finnish Way

This article first appeared in BTS Issue 3. By Adam Idris Lim Wei, Sophomore (Class of 2021) Engineering Product Development What was an iconic Finnish cultural experience you had? Bubble tea and mala unite the masses in Singapore, in...

The Force Behind the Robots

Find out the challenges and lessons learnt from participants of the annual IDC Robocon.