One Month Has Passed – DATE Week 4

Time sure flies by fast here in Zhejiang... but the fun, laughter and adventure carries on! This week, we started off with a workshop at Alibaba HQ in Hangzhou. I wasn't able to see much...

WEEK 10 – An Unexpected Finding

Initially, for the weekend, I wanted to go to 郭庄, a tourist place known for its scenic areas (or so I have learnt from online sources). However, after talking with the taxi driver on...

Week 13

It's the last week here and I remember counting down with my friends everyday to the end of the trip. Basically everybody was either flying home or travelling so I scheduled my time to...

Trip to Nanjing!

When exchange gives you 4 free days, you take a trip. A trip, we went to Nanjing,  a place full of history and tradition.

Week 3

CAA Graduation Showcase 2018 We had a great start to the week by attending the China Academy of Arts (CAA) Graduate Showcase. It was a really interesting showcase from various disciplines like architecture and industrial...