SUTD Visual Research – Towards a Better Type of Memory: Breaking the Speed Limit...

  Find out more about Assistant Professor Dr Desmond Loke and his research 

Building a natural home for artificial intelligence

As artificial intelligence becomes more integrated into our daily lives, the increasing number of researchers building Singapore’s smart future will have a home at the SUTD AI mega-centre. 65 years ago in August, computer scientist...

Managing water in a warming planet

With the changing climate affecting water resources availability, water management and climate change should be tackled in tandem, according to SUTD researchers. Whether it is flash floods in Singapore or forest fires in Australia, climate...

How Design Can Save the World

Battling COVID-19 and rebuilding a better world post-pandemic. COVID-19 has plunged the world into an unprecedented crisis. Over a year after its emergence, the pandemic continues to challenge healthcare systems, global trade, local economies, and...

SUTD Visual Research – Structural Colour Printing

Associate Professor Joel Yang leads the NanoLab at SUTD, and is recognised for pioneering work in plasmonic and structural colour printing.Find out more about Professor Yang  Like what you just read? Have a query for...

SUTD Visual Research – Urban Floods

Find out more about the research, as well as Associate Professor Stefano Galelli’s other works at

Meet our incredible SUTD #womenintech

At SUTD, we pride ourselves on encouraging gender diversity as part of our mission to nurture technically-grounded leaders and innovators. Our holistic approach has attracted a cohort of more than 40% females, compared to...

Welcome to a More Humanised World

This article is brought to you by the SUTD - Women x Tech & Design series. Do you wonder how you can use AI to detect diseases earlier? Or how to make digital banking so...

Welcome to a Greener World

This article is brought to you by the SUTD - Women x Tech & Design series. For every new skyscraper built, a part of nature is taken away. The degradation of our natural environment is...

Welcome to a World of Innovative Products

This article is brought to you by the SUTD - Women x Tech & Design series. We are often plagued by complex issues that call for innovative, technology-powered solutions that are both efficient and sustainable. As...