This is my favorite section of the blog, and I look forward to it every week. You could say that these were the people that kept me alive during my hectic school work load.

Clubs (Fifth Row)

There are many clubs at NYCU that you will not encounter at SUTD. Apart from those unique club, I joined the Cake Club. Every week, we baked cakes, cookies, and even pie, and they were magnificent. You should also try to participate in their clubs; trust me, you will not regret it. I enjoyed every interaction and moment I had with my group, and here are some highlights of our incredible journey.

Weekly Meet Up

To get my mind off schoolwork, I would hang out with our fellow Singaporean and we would frequently go to the gym, play games, eat out, and travel Taiwan together. I appreciate their presence during my time in Taiwan.

If you are to ask what do I enjoy the most while taking a break, I would say a little tea with some games taste the best.

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