Day 1 and Day 2 at UC Berkeley

Our first two days experience upon arriving at UC Berkeley.

What to Expect on Your Graduation Day

So you have all the things ready for your graduation ceremony – the gown, the tickets, photography, etc.  Your next biggest task is to get through the ceremony. There will be a lot of...

Class at UC Berkeley Extension

Hi Everyone! Jian Li here! Let me bring you through a class in UC Berkeley Extension. At UC Berkeley Extension, the 5 of us from SUTD were put under the International Diploma Program for Entrepreneurship. Courses...

Week 9: 哟咯trippin

Week 9 was recess week where many of us went out of Hangzhou to explore other parts of China. As each group made their plans to travel, I was in an internal struggle -...


Hi guys! Charles here. I'm a 4th-year ISTD student, automotive and software engineer! Looks like you chose to click on this article - welcome! Whether it's because you have a passion for electric cars,...

How Design Can Save the World

Battling COVID-19 and rebuilding a better world post-pandemic. COVID-19 has plunged the world into an unprecedented crisis. Over a year after its emergence, the pandemic continues to challenge healthcare systems, global trade, local economies, and...

How Design Thinking Methodologies Help this Student in his Internship

Editor's Note In this article we would like to share a story from Parekh Shalv Amit (Shalv), our senior year student from Engineering Product Development Pillar. Shalv recently completed his internship with Thales. Thales is...

CS61BL – Data Structures and Programming Methodology

"One of the best programming skills you can have is knowing when to walk away for awhile." - Oscar Godson There were many times throughout this course where I did walk away, and it is...

Career Connect: Overcoming challenges through design thinking, STEM skills and mentorship

For two years running, J.P. Morgan software engineer Ailin Cheau has volunteered as a mentor for the firm’s Career Connect programme, a global philanthropic initiative that seeks to improve the career readiness of young...