Dance DerivativeZ: Anybody Can Dance!

Everything for the Family

Discovering Mount SUTD

It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

New Year, New Resolutions, New Challenges

A look into SUTD’s iconic Chinese New Year decorations.

Landing a great internship

This article first appeared in BTS Issue 1. By Roshni Nagavalli Saravanan, Senior Information Systems Technology and Design and Pammela Ng, Alumni Class of 2018 Interning overseas is probably the closest experience to actually working and living overseas, four months being long...

Measuring the Unmeasurable

This article first appeared in BTS Issue 2. In January each year, students are free to pursue their personal interests. During this Independent Activity Period (IAP), some ASD students choose to use their skills to contribute...

Things that You Will Miss After You Graduate (from SUTD)

You have worked hard for the past few years – reading, attending lectures, revision, mugging for exams, etc – and now the hard work has paid off. You are finally graduating from university and...

Design for Good

Solving problems in meaningful ways.

One Architect, One Engineer, Two Sisters

Meet Geraldine and Jolene, the sisters on campus!

4 Ws of 4 SUTD Startups

Our strong entrepreneurial culture at SUTD has already produced over 40 successful and exciting startups. But that’s no surprise, since the university provides numerous opportunities for mentorship, networking, consultation, and even co-working spaces with...

Day 3 at UC Berkeley

Having a few more days before classes start and already settled in to our accommodation, we wanted to explore San Francisco more.