Hi everyone boxing here! Its almost the end of week three and progress is definitely evident in terms of tummy growth…

The team made considerable progress in terms of theme development this week as well. Office forest finally had a plan on what will be executed. More drafts and details coming up next week I hope? Then you will be able to see our less than appealing hand writings and drawings.  Here is a sneak preview:

Good stuff

Played some charade at the square outside canteen and the office forest team proudly accomplished all items on the questions list, winning a total of 4 succulent plants. Saved the effort to taobao for mini plants.


Now comes the part of the blog which I am infinitely more passionate about (compared to the content above),

沙煲饭(Calories),雪媚娘(Calories),蛋黄薯条(Samuel’s favourite form of Calories)
Tummy #obesepride
面包诱惑 O.O

蛋黄南瓜 We have never ordered less that 3 plates of this crazy dish in one sitting #obesepride
2 ice creams a day keeps the doctor away
running… i hate running… #obesepride

GG… Back to obese

Wait… before obese comes, how can I forget about taobao

Taobao all day everyday


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Team Members - Chen Jing / Fok Jun Yi / Gede Ria Ghosalya / Heng Xian Jing / Low Yuen Wei Samuel / Vincent Sin Yang Xian / Xing Bo Office forest aims to design a modular plant system to allow employees to take charge and claim ownership of their very own office plant without the hassle and the mess of traditional growing techniques. We will also develop an app that allows control over the system and interaction between employees. Through the growing of their own plants and the increased interaction between employees over the office forest forest platform, a warmer office culture will be created.To design a product or a service that will green up an office in sustainable manner while increasing opportunity for interaction amongst employees.


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