Week 11: Guilin(桂林) Experience during Recess Week

During recess week, we spent 3 days in Guilin(桂林) before continuing our trip around China. In Guilin, most of our meals consisted of the iconic 桂林米粉(Guilin Rice Noodles). The tangy noodles smeared with spicy sauce...

Week 10 – Journey with us to Pandora!!

This week, we took an 18hrs!!!! train ride to the city of ZhangJiaJie to visit its world renown national park!!! it was said that the hallelujah mountains were the original inspiration for the floating mountains...

DATE 2019 Theme 7 Week 12: DataViz – Creating a webtool and forgetting how...

With barely one week left till the submission deadline for our theme project, the entire group has been practically cooped up in our work-space at YueYa Building from early afternoon till night the entire...


IT'S RECESS WEEEEEEEEK !!! Ha jk. There is no recess week for theme 5 :( While the rest of the DATE people are leaving Hangzhou to explore the other parts of China during their recess week,...

En Route to Mount Huang Shan

Mount Huang Shan is one of the most highly recommended tourist attraction spots in China known for its famous four wonders, namely Strange Pines, Absurd Stones, Sea of Clouds and Hot springs. I am...

Week 11 – Cat cafe and site visit at Sanqingshan

The week started off with a visit to a cat café. It was a gem discovered by my roommate, and although we previously talked about going there, we never did. Until now. The café is located...


This week is all about grinding for our theme project. I see many groups spending their nights at the work spaces and classrooms and I guess that is what happens when you combine ill-preparation...

WEEK 11 – Life Updates

Theme Project updates Although my team and I have worked on our project since the start of the DATE program, this week marks the official start of the final prototyping of our intelligent lamp. My...

Beijing and Back!(Part 2)

Trip to iFlytek iFlytek definitely stood out as one of the more interesting Venues for my Trip in Beijing. It was a technological company that specialised in Artificial intelligence. They excel in speech to text...

Week 11: Preparing for the last presentation

This week is mainly focused on preparing for the final project presentation. After coming back from the pottery experience, our theme had a lot of catching up to do. Before we had our recess...