Week 11: Preparing for the last presentation

This week is mainly focused on preparing for the final project presentation. After coming back from the pottery experience, our theme had a lot of catching up to do. Before we had our recess...

Just Zhejiang Things – Week 5: OriNani?!

Hey guys welcome to JZT updates 5! Origami (Un)fortunately, this week is more of settling down after a month of fun-filled adventure, trying to get our oriNani- I mean origami to work. Previously I mentioned that...

Thoughts on the Theme

Expectations When we first entered this theme i felt that we all had this expectation that the theme would have been a technical course. After all, we had been told to familiarize ourselves with python....

DATE Week 11 – Smart Home Calendar

Affective Computing The study of human emotions Our team has come up with 2 products to showcase; a smart home calendar and a smart measuring jug. The smart measuring jug is not just a measuring or...

Week 6: Going to Beijing!

This week is the start of the Design Fiction course! I had made significant progress on my DIP project and went to Beijing on Thursday! This week I tackled the gesture recognition problem and...

Beginning my SUSEP experience at NUS!

With my SUSEP (Singapore Universities Students Exchange Programme) coming to an end, it’s a good time to reflect on the whole journey. Initially, of course it was a bit of a disappointment to be...

Week 12 – Solo trip to Jeonju

Doing a solo overnight weekend trip for the first time. It is definitely a unique experience that I enjoyed. From the trip to cheongju last weekend with my Korean buddy, I learnt that taking the...

DATE WEEK 7 – DIP and Design Fiction

Back to designing A version of Introduction to Design module in China We all attended a presentation last Thursday held for the Design Innovation Programme students which involved the local and various international exchange students, some...

Week 7: DIP Product Launch!

This week is a hectic week spent mostly on the DIP project as Thursday is the DIP Product Launch! From Monday to Thursday, it was spent on getting ready for the Product Launch, then...

Week 5 in Aalto University

Project week ( 24-28 June) The fourth week of the month is also the project week. Project week simply means that for the whole of that week, there will be no lessons. That being said,...