It’s the end of DATE 2019!!

These past three months have been an eye-opening and a journey filled with lots of personal growth. Forged many friendships during this short period and really thankful for everyone that made this exchange program one that I will remember for a long time to come!


Firstly, thank you to my theme 5 intelligent courtyard light team for making the main project we have to participate in DATE such a fun and fulfilling experience! All of you are amazing individuals and I am truly glad for the synergy we have as a team – being on task with our work, balancing out work and play well. Thank you all for the great memories throughout DATE and see you guys around back in school!


Secondly, thank you to the best teaching assistants and professor that took care of us throughout the entire programme. Learnt a lot about the Chinese market through our meetings and the design process in ZJU. It was not only about work these past 3 months but also a great bonding time with everyone, in addition to learning more about the Chinese culture!


Lastly, thank you to my group of friends which made this trip such an enjoyable and extremely memorable one! Will certainly remember all the great times not only on trips to Huangshan, Suzhou and Shanghai, but also on our daily meetups for dinner and exploration of Hangzhou! Also thank you all for dealing with my craziness and really just being a chill bunch to hang out with!


These three months have certainly left a significant mark in my life and I am really grateful to be able to experience DATE 2019. Thank you SUTD and ZJU for making this programme possible!

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