09 – Shoes

This week, we focused on designing our special shoe! The shoe is supposed to be able to detect the angle in which your feet touch the ground and calculate the amount of harm done to...

Interfacing Gestural Control for Musical Performance, Part II

Continued from Part I. This section explains my design thinking, design choices, and how I moved beyond the first prototype. 1.2 Cascade.exe With valuable insights on what worked and didn’t from the initial Python prototype, I decided...

WEEK 15 – Goodbye, China!

The last week of ALP marks a hectic week of finishing up last bits of prototypes for many groups, scrambling to order the last few pieces of Taobao goodness hoping that they will be...

ALP THEME M WEEK 6: Work, Dip AND Xi’an

LTF here again for another blog post. Big week this week as we got Cardiovascular Engineering exam while we continued to work on theme stuff. There was also the DIP product launch presentations this week....

WEEK 5 – S-H-A-N-G-H-A-I Day 1

Easily the most exhausting but fulfilling weekend of my ALP experience thus far! hahahhaa welcome to SHANGHAI!! Only took us an hour to get there by bullet train, yay technology hahaha. Was plesantly suprised by the AirBnb apartment...

Week of Surprises

Well compared to last week, we started off on a high note. Partly because we have lessons on Mondays now TT.TT What lesson was it? Design Thinking, the course where our seniors made origami...

It’s a 3 weeks’ worth of RECAP!

Hi there! You might be wondering, 'Wait a minute, why is there only 1 post from this person so far?' Well, truth be told, I had been having so much fun in China that...

week 4: More videos and Wu Yi Shan

On Monday, we visited the China Academy of art where we got to see some of the final year projects of the university students. Most of the projects had very unique and futuristic design...

Midway through DATE!

7 weeks have passed and just 7 more weeks to the end of DATE 2019.. This past 7 weeks have been a blast! From indulging ourselves in a myriad of delicacies available, to loads of...

Week 5 Graduate Art Exhibition

The ZJU staff took us to the China Academy of Art to look at the exhibition of the works done by their graduate students. The campus was extremely large and there were exhibitions all...