Week 3: The Power of Three

This blog post, in part to commemorate the third week in China, shall be divided into three segments. Let’s start with our project. This week we had ideas presentation, where we talked about where...

China Week 3: Sup, Shanghai

This week, we explored the beautiful Xihu that locals raved about and took the chance to travel out of Hangzhou. We went to Shanghai and I particularly enjoyed the view of the skyline, as...

DataVis – Week 2

继校园参观之后,周末ZJU的小伙伴们带领我们探索了杭州文化。大家选择了自己感兴趣的主题,跟着各自的小组长去了不同的地方参观。大部分的小组选择了西湖周边的游程或是与美食相关的主题,也有小组出自对西湖龙井的好奇选择深入了解茶文化。大家都很喜欢这次的活动,每一个主题都加深了我们对这座城市的了解。 周一我们自行组织了一次小组活动。漫步于云溪竹境中,空气清新,满目苍翠。五云山为西湖群山中的第三大山,虽然只有三百多米,对很少见到山的我们也算是一种小挑战了。我们相互鼓励,一步一步的走过了五云山漫长的石阶。遮天蔽日的绿树仿佛隔绝了时间,再下山之际有种恍若隔世之感。下山后我们沿着钱塘江走了一段,并且参观了坐落在江畔、六和塔边的浙大之江校区。 周二的时候我们与导师和助教们见了面。他们向我们展示了很多精彩典型的用网页界面,并向我们初步介绍了什么是可视化。而周四我们开始了正式的折纸机器人的课程。 我们还幸运的赶上了浙大120周年的校庆。 周六周日两天晚上到处载歌载舞, 人潮涌动,让我们深深感受到了这所学校的莘莘学子们对母校的热爱之情。

Week 4 – Lions head Mountain

I’m an avid climber, and I’ve been going to Climbism, a gym here in HuangShan. Here is some advice. Wherever you go, make friends. It never hurts and it always is good to have more...

Theme 6, Week 3 – The Second Assignment

So…our Prof wasn’t that satisfied with our research presentation. Not that she explicitly said it, but she told us that we could do better. So this time, we included an excel sheet to compare the...

[WEEK 03] 21 | ISU Country of the Month + Piano Concert

20170521 – 20170527 Friday, 26 May 2017 21 | ISU Country of the Month + Piano Concert So there was this event that happened right outside our hostel block and we decided to take a look...

A trip to the Yellow Mountain

Here we are in week 2. Places within the Campus is starting to look boring. Trips to the nearest mall helped alleviate the staleness, but the itch for adventure still lingers on our soles. And...


Hindsight, we are dumbos Lemme begin by saying the food here in China is amazing. All of it is amazing. ALL OF IT. Im gonna break it down for you. Big School = Big Canteen. Like...

Finally, change of air.

One years, three term, countless of project, the undeniable insanity. Time fly when we don’t sleep, it took a blink of eye for a year to pass and here we are, at the verge of...

ALP Week 2 – HuShu School

Very quickly, the first week of ALP has passed and I’ve mostly adjusted to life around ZJU, getting used to travelling around the huge school compound and conversing in Chinese. Huge thanks to Stella and Tenzin...