This is Richard Ulrich, my co-pilot, ride-provider, fellow engineer and friend. We met at the Hack4Climate hackathon in Bonn, Germany last year, where we built an Ethereum-powered seamless mobility solution for global travel. We...

Beyond the classroom: A deep learning experience

8 September 2018 is Graduation Day at SUTD. As we celebrate this occasion, let us hear from Jonathan Ng (Architecture and Sustainable Development, Class of 2018) as he reflects upon his SUTD experience. While my...

Ending a 6 month Long Relationship

I have been in a magical relationship for the past 6 months. A few days ago, it all ended. What relationship, you might ask? It is my relationship with a competition known as “L’Oreal...

Graduation Day Survival Tips

The big day has finally arrived – Graduation Day – the final chapter in your life as a student at the university. It is a day full of excitement as it signifies one of...

Aalto Ventures Program: Creating Multidimensional Experiences Week 1

4 days of solitude had gone by. Walking into class on the first day, I noticed an obvious change in demographics – for the first time in a while I saw people that looked...

Kazakhstan Leadership Expedition 2017

Nine members of SUTD Mountaineering Club embarked on the 10-day expedition to hone their mountaineering skills.

Li Yiyang: Footprints of the Green Monster

More sustainability, less waste!


The Journey to Winterthur Wow, it’s been quite the journey getting to Winterthur, with tight legroom and tighter transfers. Hectic layovers aside, all this travelling has left me thinking deeply about the carbon footprint we...

Week 14 in Aalto University

Week 14 ( 26- 30 August) This week marks the end of ITP. We presented our final idea to both the professors as well as to our client. For myself, my group has to present...

Enhanced opportunities and financial aids to ensure deserving students won’t be denied of a...

SUTD Freshmore students will participate in overseas immersion trips to ASEAN countries and Asia First and foremost, have you heard that our Freshmore (first-year) students will start participating in overseas immersion trips to ASEAN countries...