Agrim Singh: Hacking the Hackathon

The ins and outs of hackathons

The SUTD Postgrad experience: Juggling research, lab work, family and… even Fifth Rows?

Four graduate students tell us why they chose SUTD and why they think more people might consider doing the same. Tell us about your research: Song Wenjian M Ridhuan: I started my PhD at the Engineering...

My SUTD experience: Samuel Low

8 September 2018 is Graduation Day at SUTD. As we celebrate this occasion, let us hear from Samuel Low (Engineering Product Engineering, Class of 2018) as he reflects upon his SUTD experience. SUTD isn’t simply...

Week 2: Mao-ntain Climbing

Scenery There is flourishing natural beauty here in Hangzhou. Rivers, forests, mountains. You name it. It feels tranquil and soothing whenever you look out of a window. We went to explore XiHu District and hiked...

Inside CRUX 2018: How Fifth Row clubs are nurturing leaders of the community

Meet Teo Yi Liang, Event Director of CRUX 2018 and President of SUTD Climbers and discover what goes into the planning of CRUX 2018 and find out what it means to him to be able to turn his passion into achievement.

Flying the Singapore flag high in beach volleyball

Meet Kingsley Tay, national beach volleyball player, SUTD’s pride in the World University Championship, President of SUTD volleyball club and sophomore from the Engineering Systems and Design (ESD) pillar.

Dance DerivativeZ: Anybody Can Dance!

Everything for the Family

5 Fifth Rows at SUTD

Complete your SUTD experience with Fifth Rows. A holistic learning experience at SUTD means developing our students to their fullest potential, both in and outside the classroom. That’s why, in addition to their four academic...

We’re For Real

Imagine what an SUTD education will do for you. Apply now at  Why choose SUTD in the sea of larger, more renowned universities in Singapore? Well, apart from having state-of-the-art facilities and numerous opportunities...

New Year, New Resolutions, New Challenges

A look into SUTD’s iconic Chinese New Year decorations.