Our task today is to assemble a physical product using 3D printer based on our previous CAD designs. After a few more adjustments and reprint, we successfully printed out our product.

While waiting for the print, we kept ourselves occupied by interacting with the neighborhood cat and chilling in the electric vehicle at the atrium.

With the day wrapped, we accepted the invitation from Jarell’s Indonesian groupmate to hang out at the Malioboro market together. Malioboro street also known as the 24 hour street is truly the commercial center of Yogyakarta. The hustle of bustle of the street overwhelms us immediately as we arrived. Our senses of sight, smell and hearing are overloaded all at once. Everything around you screams for your attention.

In the spirit of adventure, we decided to try the street food at the roadside. The durian ice was cool and refreshing. a perfect combination with the savoury BBQ sausage.

We then walked around shopping for souvenirs and then sit down to eat yet again with more friends joining us. Roasted pigeon is sold for 35000 rupiah (SGD$3) which is pretty special. Although it was too bony for my taste.

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