SSUE Trip 2018, Intro to Beautiful Tianjin :)

Hey everyone, Hao Ze here! Just a few weeks ago, three of my friends and I embarked on a two weeks adventure to Tianjin and Xi’an for an exchange programmed organized by the Ministry...

The Future of the Marine Industry

This article first appeared in BTS Issue 1. By Casandra Ong, Junior Engineering Product Development As part of the Rolls-Royce Electrical Capabilities Group (ECG), I was assigned to a project that studies systems that could be implemented in existing ships...

Decoding Eye-Opening Insights

This article first appeared in BTS Issue 4. By Sean Lew Teng Siong, Senior (Class of 2021) Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) Internship at Carousell in Singapore During my summer in 2020, I interned at Carousell as a Data...

Design is Problem Solving

No problem is too big or small for our student innovators Does the word “design” make you think of art, fashion and graphics? While that’s one definition of the word, the core of design...

Professional education

During my exchange period in NUS, I really gained much professional knowledge and received very systematic instructions. For academic modules, I chose Network, Computer Security, Computer Graphics, Parallel Computing and Japanese. In Network module,...

Week 2: Huawei field trip and my Impromptu decision

This post comes a bit behind schedule due to the swarm of things that flooded my to do list after returning from Shanghai over the weekend. This week is the marks the 3rd weekend since...

Measuring the Unmeasurable

This article first appeared in BTS Issue 2. In January each year, students are free to pursue their personal interests. During this Independent Activity Period (IAP), some ASD students choose to use their skills to contribute...

Landing a great internship

This article first appeared in BTS Issue 1. By Roshni Nagavalli Saravanan, Senior Information Systems Technology and Design and Pammela Ng, Alumni Class of 2018 Interning overseas is probably the closest experience to actually working and living overseas, four months being long...

6 Qualities That Sets SUTDents Apart From Others

Did you know that we produced the highest-earning graduates amongst local universities this year? Read on to discover the unique qualities SUTD students (aka SUTDents) have that set them apart from their peers. 1. Desire...

4 Ws of 4 SUTD Startups

Our strong entrepreneurial culture at SUTD has already produced over 40 successful and exciting startups. But that’s no surprise, since the university provides numerous opportunities for mentorship, networking, consultation, and even co-working spaces with...