Travelling Alone and Underground Music Scene in San Francisco

The Bay Area offers so much to explore with such a wide range of activities and attractions that it seems nearly impossible to cover all of them. Though you will likely explore most places...

FACT 2023 – DES X KMUTT Day 3

Day three started off with an absolutely bombz breakfast in hostel. It looked so simple and unassuming that when we first saw the picture of it sent into the group chat, we contemplated skipping...

2022 Stanford Group 1 – Week 4 (Visit to Berkeley on Saturday)

This is the second part of our "exchange" where we rode zip cars to visit out friends currently doing their GLP at Berkeley. Firstly, we visited a farmer's market: It was just a stretch of food...

Tampere Friends

Time spent in Finland was far from boring. There were non-stop meetups and events organised by both student organisations as well as among ourselves. Orientation week was just the beginning. Below is an image from...

Preparation for UCEAP Experience — University of California, Berkeley

Welcome to my guide on preparing for your exchange experience in the US! If you are embarking on the University of California Education Abroad Program (UCEAP) at Berkeley, this detailed guide can help you...

The Final Stretch

Well Well Well, we have come to the end of my journey in NTU. But before that happens, I need to take the exams. HAHAHAH. Well in the previous blog I talk about how...

Relaxing in the Sauna

Living in Singapore, we’re often used to heat and humidity in our everyday weather. Never would I have imagined myself going to a hot and humid room to ‘relax’. Yet, in the cold winter...

The quitenssential guide to US road trips

After the summer session, a few of us decided to go on a 10-days west coast road trip, here are some of our experiences. Day 1 to 3 (Yosemite National park) We drove from Berkeley to...

Long Winter Nights

Towards the end of my exchange and well into the winter season, the sun rises at 9am and sets at 3pm, effectively providing 6 hours of sun. That is if we are lucky and...

Unique Experiences in South Korea

During my exchange in Hanyang University, I managed to participate in various uniquely Korean experiences. One of the most unique experiences Korea offers is the jjimjilbang (Korean traditional sauna). It is a place where you...