First week in Hangzhou!

Hangzhou welcomed us warmly – but thankfully not too warmly, for summer had not yet arrived in full force and we could still enjoy the remnants of the fading spring and its accompanying cool...

Here Comes the Climb(s)!

In the first week of being in China, we did what any other tourist would do - trekking. You know one of those typical tourist groups, where people group up and move around taking...

WEEK 1 – Breaching The Great Wall

First week in China…. everyone’s excited and nervous at the same time I think, 3 months away from home is gonna be a new experience; at least for myself. It was pouring when we...

Week 10: Alibaba

The one thing that I was looking forward to before I had left for ALP was the fact that there was a possibility of visiting Alibaba. I heard from seniors that some of them...

WEEK 5 – Thinking Week!

This week started differently at Hu Shu. On Monday, we helped out in designing apron and general costume with recycled material and poker cards for the school to participate in a competition. Though we...

DATE 2019 Week 1 – Settling down in Hangzhou

The past week in Hangzhou has really been an eye-opener. Hangzhou is the capital of the Zhejiang Province and home to many e-Commerce giants such as Alibaba. A relatively quiet city as compared to...

WEEK 11 – Life Updates

Theme Project updates Although my team and I have worked on our project since the start of the DATE program, this week marks the official start of the final prototyping of our intelligent lamp. My...

Week 7 Yamaha Factory

One minute was all it took for the 30 slots of Yamaha cultural experience to be completely taken and luckily, I was one of them. The Yamaha factory is situated an hour and a half’s...

Theme 6, Week 1 – Ice Breakers

Its off to China! 3 months away from the land of ba chor mee, laksa and home… But disaster strikes! A few days before we leave, Natalie says she would not be able to make...

Bamboo Craftsmanship

This week, we joinedthe bamboo craftsmanship cultural experience. we went to the rural area and live there for three days. The uncle and auntieare really nice and hospitable. Uncle tought us how to make...