IDC ROBOCON 2016: Day 14

Today is the last day of the program.  Two weeks flew in the blink of an eye. We were kept busy everyday for the entire two weeks that it did not feel long. I...

Day 9 – Laser Cutting and Orbit Robot

In the morning, I did laser cutting for my group for almost an hour. I feel bad for letting other users to wait for their turn to use the laser cutter, but I am...


  It’s the weekends! During my weekends I visited Harvard and Walmart. HARVARD  On the way to Harvard, I came across a  supermarket selling Asian produce. The business was run by a Korean family. I was surprised to see...

Day 3 – New Field, New Designs!

After presenting our ideas and progress to the professors and mentors yesterday, the purple team was ready for the first full work day! We continued to build on our 2 robots scoring strategy, and began...

IDC Robocon 2017: Day 9

Last Sunday’s city visit gave us a good rest and the final competition is just in this Friday. The most difficult part in this competition is to climb the second cliff of the land area. We...

IDC ROBOCON 2016: Day 10

Its two more days to the competition! We are left with the finishing touches and troubleshooting of minor problems. Practice was deemed to be important by the team hence we tried our best to...

Day 11 – Testing Time

Today is field testing, and we were trying very hard to finish up our robot in time for that. However, at field testing, our team did not perform well. In fact, we got negative points....

IDC ROBOCON 2016: Day 9

After a day of rest over the weekend, we were back to the testing of our robot yesterday. Most robots are fine, however there will always be features to be improved. For my case,...

Day 8 – Week Two Begins

It was the first day of the week, and so we did a lot of work. We finished the collector robot, and improved its wheels. Moreover, we’ve progressed a great deal on the orbit...

Day 7 – Rest Day

Sunday was our only full day off out of the two weeks, and it was great to take a break!  Many of us used the day as an opportunity to do some exploring at...