IDC Robocon Day 11: Finals in Tokyo

Today was the beginning of a stressful 2 days for the freshmore students, as it is the first day of our final exams for the term. Yes you read correctly, the freshmore students are...

Day 6 – Explore Singapore!

Saturday was a half day, which was nice. We’re pretty much done with the first robot and we now had a chance to explore Singapore! The host team came up with a plan of...

Day 11 – Testing Time

Today is field testing, and we were trying very hard to finish up our robot in time for that. However, at field testing, our team did not perform well. In fact, we got negative points....

IDC Robocon 2017: Day 7

Day 7 of IDC Robocon. Today we took a break from our usual routine of working on the robot and had a tour of the iconic locations in Hangzhou. Our first stop was 西湖,...

Day 11: T-1 to Finals!

So it’s one day before the finals and it’s time for the testing and we’re making our final adjustments. We’re testing out the code, modifying it and trying it out on the final track....

IDC ROBOCON 2016: Day 9

After a day of rest over the weekend, we were back to the testing of our robot yesterday. Most robots are fine, however there will always be features to be improved. For my case,...

IDC ROBOCON 2016: Day 6

It has been 4 days since we started building our robot and the progress for my team has been good. My team has managed to build both the base of the collector and the...

IDC Robocon 2017: Last Day

Today is the last day of IDC Robocon’17. The whole competition seems like a dream for me. In these 2 weeks, we worked with more than 50 students who are from 8 different countries. ...

IDC Robocon 2016: Day 1

After a good night rest, today is the first day of our Robocon in Bangkok. The first day isnt of anything much but a welcoming event. We were sorted into our groups and met...

MIT Robocon Day 4

Day 4: Started the day in the IDC: Did some designs and subsequently used the Prusa 3D printers and the fablight metal laser cutters. I was also given the opportunity to print using the stratasys...