Day 2 – Kazuki, Chiba

I think that it is almost the same for everyone – It is my first time making robots with students from other countries. My teammates are all good people, and they all have their...

Day 3 – New Field, New Designs!

After presenting our ideas and progress to the professors and mentors yesterday, the purple team was ready for the first full work day! We continued to build on our 2 robots scoring strategy, and began...

IDC Robocon 2016: Day 1

After a good night rest, today is the first day of our Robocon in Bangkok. The first day isnt of anything much but a welcoming event. We were sorted into our groups and met...


  It’s time to build our first prototype using paper, tape and styrofoam! The prototype was very useful as it allowed us to test the different types of sensors and movement of the wheels when there...

Day 4 – ROBOCON Progress and Singapore Impression

Today, we are making great progress on the manufacturing and programming. Based on the two days’ designing work, we now have completed the basic framework and the storage (the structure that stores the balls)...

IDC Robocon 2017 Day 5 @ ZheJiang University

The was almost a week passed and most of the teams do not have a working robot prototype on hand. This got me quite worries and a little paranoid. Constructing a robot not only...

IDC Robocon 2017 Day 10 @ ZheJiang University

After a week of blood , sweat and tears in HangZhou, our bond with each other was pushed to a new height. The language barrier or sort was no long bugging us. Each hand...

Day 9 – Laser Cutting and Orbit Robot

In the morning, I did laser cutting for my group for almost an hour. I feel bad for letting other users to wait for their turn to use the laser cutter, but I am...

IDC Robocon 2017: Day 7

Day 7 of IDC Robocon. Today we took a break from our usual routine of working on the robot and had a tour of the iconic locations in Hangzhou. Our first stop was 西湖,...

IDC ROBOCON 2016: Day 9

After a day of rest over the weekend, we were back to the testing of our robot yesterday. Most robots are fine, however there will always be features to be improved. For my case,...