Day 12 – Competition and Final Thoughts

It’s already competition day!  We had an hour and a half before matches started in the morning, and we needed every minute of it. We continued to be hit pretty hard with unexpected electronics...

Day 6 – Explore Singapore!

Saturday was a half day, which was nice. We’re pretty much done with the first robot and we now had a chance to explore Singapore! The host team came up with a plan of...

IDC Robocon 2017: Day 7

Day 7 of IDC Robocon. Today we took a break from our usual routine of working on the robot and had a tour of the iconic locations in Hangzhou. Our first stop was 西湖,...

Day 3 – We finally make things!

I started Wednesday with a healthy breakfast at Economical Rice. Jarrod from Purple Team joined me. We made good progress today and built some important components. Dhanya worked on configuring the light sensors for the robot....

Day 2 – Into the Unknown

IDC Robocon was a great opportunity to meet people and build interesting robots. Day 2 was the day we actually started brainstorming for ideas. This was a little hard because of the language barrier...

IDC Robocon 2017: Day 4

Today is the fourth day of the IDC Robocon 2017. My group is the Yellow Group: one Japanese student and three Chinese students who are from Tokyo Denki University, Zhejiang University and Tsinghua University respectively....

Day 4 – ROBOCON Progress and Singapore Impression

Today, we are making great progress on the manufacturing and programming. Based on the two days’ designing work, we now have completed the basic framework and the storage (the structure that stores the balls)...

Day 8 – Week Two Begins

It was the first day of the week, and so we did a lot of work. We finished the collector robot, and improved its wheels. Moreover, we’ve progressed a great deal on the orbit...

Day 11: T-1 to Finals!

So it’s one day before the finals and it’s time for the testing and we’re making our final adjustments. We’re testing out the code, modifying it and trying it out on the final track....

IDC ROBOCON 2016: Day 2

After the challenge announcement yesterday, it is finally time to start working.  Its brain storming day! At the end of the day we were expected to present our ideas to the professors and mentors...