Week 10

You might have noticed that the past few weeks have been more low-key, and I’ve been going out less. There’s actually a reason for that. And the reason is that I’m going broke HAHA....

Week 10: Experiments are fun MRi-te?

Brain Data (fMRI) We were told that the cost to operate the MRI Machine was about 2000 Yuans per hour. Having to do 10 more 4 hour experiments, I guess a huge bulk of our...


Hi! This will be a relatively short post but because honestly food was one of the things that I remember the most from this trip. Something that I did during this trip is take pictures...

Week 2, The fun just started

Hello! It’s the second week of our ALP program and finally, everyone has arrived. On Monday (14/5/2018), we had our official opening ceremony together, our ZJU professor shared with us the tips to strive in our...

Week 7: Concluding Our Design Course

This week was a small break off from our theme project and each of us focused on our own separate projects for our ZJU Design course. By the end of the week, many of us...

Week 6: ZJUst Another Week

Design I In ZJU we enrolled in 2 Design Courses - Design Fiction and Design Thinking. Design Fiction is a module where we are supposed to express our design through fiction. It allows us to...

week 4: More videos and Wu Yi Shan

On Monday, we visited the China Academy of art where we got to see some of the final year projects of the university students. Most of the projects had very unique and futuristic design...

Week 2: Hangzhou or Paris?

Towards the end of the week, things got more interesting altogether: Design Fiction I vividly remember how I barely touched any of the Adobe Creative Cloud Apps, especially Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro during 3.007...

Week 8: The end of projects

It was finally Monday, the day we had to head back to Hangzhou and with a tinge of sadness, we took the high-speed rail back to Hangzhou awaiting our next exciting adventure in China. On...

Week 3

CAA Graduation Showcase 2018 We had a great start to the week by attending the China Academy of Arts (CAA) Graduate Showcase. It was a really interesting showcase from various disciplines like architecture and industrial...