IDC Robocon 10/8

Close to finishing my our land robot for the competition today. The field is gonna be tough and narrow for the robot to move. It's really fun so far, and the friends made through project...

Week 13: Presentation Jittersssssss

With all the submissions out of the way by the early part of the week, all that was left was the presentation. To be honest, I was losing it. Being the only presenter on...

Week 12: Presentation Prep

Being the rather useless one on the back end, I offered to settle the presentation, making the slides and also doing the speech itself. This would then take the pressure off of the rest...

Week 11: A little breather amidst the mess

This week was rather special due to the piling work and a small reprise that my theme TAs helped to organise. With a mountain of work in our way, we were quite flustered, but...

Week 10: Madness….

Week 10 on the other hand was rather crazy for me and I believe it will continue to fall deeper into the crazy pit because of the looming deadline at the end of July....

Week 6: … and the work cont to pile [part2]

With week 6 came the introduction to design thinking and expression alongside our own theme and deadline rushing for design fiction, well lets just leave it as it was a horrid week. With demands...

Week 12: Towards Completion

This week we are preparing for our final deriverables to ZJU and SUTD. For a comparison, workspace is more occupied than a week before DIP presentation. If you follow our first few blogs, our theme...

Stanford International Honours Program: Week 5

We are the end of our fifth week here now! It really hits you how fast time has flown by when you realise that there are just three weeks to go before we bid...

Bamboo Craftsmanship

This week, we joinedthe bamboo craftsmanship cultural experience. we went to the rural area and live there for three days. The uncle and auntieare really nice and hospitable. Uncle tought us how to make...

Touring around the campus ( UCB )

The largest transition from SUTD to UC Berkeley was that we needed to allocate time to walk from one class to another as the campus is so large. It took me 20 minutes to...