Week 8: DIP is over!

Hello friends, This week we finally complete our DIP projects! Looking back at the past months of effort, I think it's safe to say we are all glad everything is over :D For those who...

Week 6: A new module

It was the start of another week and the start of another new course in ZJU which was Design Thinking. Most of us went in thinking that it was going to be a similar...


Finally, here at Texas A&M and my first impression is this place is huge. Not even explored a quarter of the university and you can fit about 20 SUTD. It’s a pretty cool place...

Tampere Friends

Time spent in Finland was far from boring. There were non-stop meetups and events organised by both student organisations as well as among ourselves. Orientation week was just the beginning. Below is an image from...

The final (two) presentations

It was a mad rush to try and get all of the requirements delivered: posters, videos, thesis and our prototypes. Two of each in fact, as our theme has two groups. Speaking of two,...

Nap lamp it is…..finally

LIVING  So this week, I had the entire room to myself because my roommate was out of ZJU. It was pretty timely as I have fallen sick ( so did she ) so the virus...

Week 10:Alibaba week!

It was time for the start of another week and this time it was for the Alibaba workshop. We started off our first day with some lectures and presentations by the various university students...

We are on the way

Now, we are on the 9th week of our DATE journey. Within our theme, the seven of us are split into two different groups and focus on two different projects, everyone is...

One step backwards to move two steps forward

This week was the week where we had to start trying to create the various function and mechanisms of our product and we worked we that specific goal in mind until the midweek where...

Culture in UMD

In UMD, there were many events laid out across the semester. I had loads of fun exploring the various events.  In UMD, there is a craze for sports, particularly basketball. In the beginning of...